Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Journal Entry #2

A few years ago I learned the importance of using elevated vocabulary in my daily life. Doing so causes others to have a more respective view on me even before knowing much about me.  Although as an African American this was and still remains a problem in my life and has been for some years now. Loosing a lot of the slang many of my brothers and sisters use cause me feel that I'm loosing a sense of who I am. I didn't know if I should still keep some of the ways of talking to keep that sense of culture alive or totally discard it. I would take a chance at becoming a "sell out" or "white washed", but in all actuality what is really being implied is "why are you different?" or "why have you tried to hide who you really are?"when in fact there is nothing that I'm trying to conceal or pretend to be. There are those who change the way they speak in order to cover up what is presented in their skin. But that's the case for everyone. Personally I try to speak with more heightened vocabulary, but I don't feel I should totally mask my voice to where I don't sound like "me".