Saturday, December 3, 2011

Journal Entry #20

The Truth Behind Cancer
A question I could see a university not asking would be one regarding a cure for cancer. This is because such a thing exist. Many people would disregard just the thought of that and consider it to be ludicrous just because we have been told by the media and fronted "experts" that it can't be done. Reading into facilities like the Gerson Clinic (also referred to in the documentary Food Inc.) the solution isn't an intricate formula or deadly pharmaceuticals, but a simple change in diet. It has  been shown in many studies that a change in diet removing meat or as most processed foods as possible eliminates production or already produced cancer cells along with many other life threatening diseases. Another source I've recently found information on the elimination on cancer would be in the book MediSin  written by Scott Whitaker and Jose Fleming. On the last paragraph of page 137, the book starts talking on a man by the name of Royal Raymond Rife who is responsible for Biochemistry, Microbiology, ballistics, electronic radiochemistry, and many other concepts used today. Another very important concept done by Rife was the use of frequencies and producing resonance that could match those of microorganisms and eliminate particular microorganisms which he used for cancer and many other diseases. What he discovered was that a particular frequency. the Mortal Oscillatory Rate, that destroys the designated virus without harming the other tissues of the body. Rife continued with his research and discovered more frequencies that cured spinal meningitis, herpes, polio and many other diseases. His research was the cause of almost a 100% efficiency rate. In 1960 the agency AMA destroyed all research and machines developed my Rife. And to all physicians that attended the banquet for Rife's findings and creations were all given letters by the AMA stating to deny anything regarding Rife and his works.

Journal Entry #19

What are your religious or spiritual beliefs?
 Personally, I chose to live by "belief" as little as possible and live by knowledge and learning as much as I can about most religions or philosophies. Sure there are aspects in life that I have belief in but I think that too much belief leads to less understanding.

Well, don't you belief in a "god"?
No, I don't think that there is a singular omniscient deity that holds our fate in his/her hand. For one, in Genesis, the bible states "Let us make man in OUR image." Who are do the plural consist of? Some say angels, but there is no way of knowing unless anything else regarding this was said, and even so, this reveals that whatever enigmatic race or type of being this is, they are is one of many. After gaining knowledge of many traditions and cultures of so many religions, it is show how all the main deities either have a very similar story or are if fact the same person but with many names, to me, I see multiple people telling the same story from a world wide perspective. The very idea that someone is doomed to burn forever in a lake of fire for worshiping or paying homage to another god or simply living a different lifestyle is ridiculous. 

How do you perceive the world spiritually?
I see the people of this world as a species that is of something greater than what we see ourselves as. This is evident even in the christian bible and modern science that we are descendants of something beyond ourselves. Our genetics show dormant glands and DNA that if functioning will produce evolutionary and unthinkable shifts on human existence in such an extraordinary manner. Even now, people reach what is called "god-conscienceless" in many different meditations and spiritual practices.  It is also seen through previous revelations and in many religious references around the world that there is an energy throughout the planet and people. We expel and intake energy from all sources around us; from everything ranging in consumption, Prana (sanskrit term for subtle energy, breathe, life-force), and cycle energy from the environment and people.  The person that is considered a "god" to them, to me, exists in all of us and in everything around us. We should feel special that we consist of such divinity and  live the life that is such a dynamic anomaly,

Journal Entry #18

Astral Projection:
-This is a moment where the physical body separates from the astral body and travels beyond the boundaries of time, and transcending the physical restraints of existence to exist in a state such as the astral plane or infinite other places as the mind is what manifests the experience at this very moment regardles of set and setting. The astral body is seen as the soul or spirit of the human. Many traditions have different interpretations of this experience but in all differences cultures may have, what holds true is that such experience shows that reality is transparent when exploring the spiritual lengths of our selves and our true potential as living souls not just of the physical world or state of being.

A significant experience I've had was experiencing astral projection on multiple occasions with the practice of pranayama and chakra meditations of all sort such as Kundalini, different yoga techniuques studied and routinely learned over the years and some other eastern exercises .
Kundalini meditation and Pranayama is a practice I perform most often compared to others . The way I have laid out my meditation sessions in order to experience astral projections is first with pranayama ( in sanskrit "extension of the breathe or life force") which are breathing exercises that help with focusing the mind and circulates energy throughout the body. Once the mind goes beyond the surroundings such as the idea of even being in a physical space or bound to anything of the current state of reality, I focus on my 7 main chakras. With each chakra, I visualize them as all singular-yet connected, slowly spiraling galaxies from the root chakra to the crown chakra, and as the kundalini energy( or shakti) rises from the spine and lights up each chakra one after another. There is a sensation that accompanies my rise and circulation of shakti as I feel a pulsation or slight "touch" of warmth and pressure for each point rising and descending towards each point of energy. As I do this for about an hour of focusing on each chakra, I lay down as if I'm going to sleep. Mentally, I keep an affirmation of ascension in my mind. 
       Before I start to project there are a number of occurrences. One of the first things that happens with me is the sound; usually a ringing noise relative to a high and low frequency beating at a pattern. Vibrations also begin once I am aware of the noise. The vibrations are felt throughout my entire essence and after a slight pressure in my head or physical body happens, I start to feel like I, myself am Velcro slowly detaching from a former self. Then, a weightless feeling begins to take over. The way most people can tell they are going into an astral state is because they are slowly becoming more and more cognitive as they start to lift. Sometimes I get frightened or excited because of so much energy and the naturally developed sounds I hear that I prevent myself from reaching the full experience but when I was younger I recall seeing different planets and being what seemed to be space, a celestial infinity surrounded by an endless sea of stars and planets. Sometimes, I would be hovering outside parameters of a massive planet which couldn't particularly be pointed out as Earth yet seemed familar. The feeling looking at such mass was almost overwhelming as I FELT how immense this body of terrain and life was. Everyone usually experiences this in their lifetime either when younger about 5 and depending how far up in age, it occurs less with some people (but that's not always the case). While this is the reality for some, the opposite is true. Other people gain more control over determining astral travel (I am in the process of learning now), But I feel that astral projection has to be one of the most phenomenal life experiences I have had and will hopefully continue to enjoy.

Journal Entry #17

The Color Red

 If I were to describe to a blind man the color red, the way I would describe to them the color would to relate it to that of a warm sensation. The tingle that vibrates at the lowest, longest frequency which goes slowly up the spine from the root chakra. Red is not just seen but felt just as well. Many might not realize it but we feel red all the time. We feel red when we experience spontaneous rises of energy that come from the stimulus around us (not only in sight). When we feel red, we also feel orange as we become aroused, yellow in the sense of powergreen in the warmth of our heart, the soft blue by the vibrations of voice, violet form the illumination of the mind, and purple from the an unknown reality briefly experienced as something ineffable, beyond mental comprehension. Red feels dense as the soil below us that blankets the torridness even more deeper within not only the earth but the core of ourselves; our soul.

Journal Entry #16

#My Life As A Movie

    I see my life as many different movies. One movie in particular I think I could relate to would be the movie called They Live. It's a movie based they same premise of this society. There is a ruling class of elitists in this downwards economic times who subliminally sedate the masses hiding their agenda's and their true alien-type appearance. A man stumbles upon a pair of glasses that helps him see the true appearance of these beings that walk amongst the people. The nameless man of the story walks into places such as department stores and even to open sidewalks to further view the mix of alien humanoids living hidden as humans. An important part of the movie after he obtains the glasses is when he looks up at the advertisements and billboards too see something like a food or car ad turn into a black and white sign saying OBEY andConsume. This exposes the true nature behind the tools established by these alien beings to hypnotize and control the humans. The reason I feel that I can relate to this movie is because of how when someone gains information about hidden agendas of those who practically own aspects of most people's lives, they're seen as a different group of people than the everyday woman or man (sometimes referred to as reptilians in today's time).

Journal Entry #15

Thoughts After Meditation Session: 
Nothing in this form of existence is perfect. For something to be perfect in this reality means to 

be static.

But nothing is "still" because 

everything is apart of a cycle. 

Therefore, it is impossible for 

anything to remain the same .

It may take seconds or even a lifetime 

to notice the 

physical transformation but change is inevitable 

and applies to everything and everyone.