What are your religious or spiritual beliefs?
Personally, I chose to live by "belief" as little as possible and live by knowledge and learning as much as I can about most religions or philosophies. Sure there are aspects in life that I have belief in but I think that too much belief leads to less understanding.
Well, don't you belief in a "god"?
No, I don't think that there is a singular omniscient deity that holds our fate in his/her hand. For one, in Genesis, the bible states "Let us make man in OUR image." Who are do the plural consist of? Some say angels, but there is no way of knowing unless anything else regarding this was said, and even so, this reveals that whatever enigmatic race or type of being this is, they are is one of many. After gaining knowledge of many traditions and cultures of so many religions, it is show how all the main deities either have a very similar story or are if fact the same person but with many names, to me, I see multiple people telling the same story from a world wide perspective. The very idea that someone is doomed to burn forever in a lake of fire for worshiping or paying homage to another god or simply living a different lifestyle is ridiculous.
How do you perceive the world spiritually?
I see the people of this world as a species that is of something greater than what we see ourselves as. This is evident even in the christian bible and modern science that we are descendants of something beyond ourselves. Our genetics show dormant glands and DNA that if functioning will produce evolutionary and unthinkable shifts on human existence in such an extraordinary manner. Even now, people reach what is called "god-conscienceless" in many different meditations and spiritual practices. It is also seen through previous revelations and in many religious references around the world that there is an energy throughout the planet and people. We expel and intake energy from all sources around us; from everything ranging in consumption, Prana (sanskrit term for subtle energy, breathe, life-force), and cycle energy from the environment and people. The person that is considered a "god" to them, to me, exists in all of us and in everything around us. We should feel special that we consist of such divinity and live the life that is such a dynamic anomaly,
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