An issue that I am concerned with regarding this country would be the domestication and dependance that has been accumulated over time in the average American (technology being a huge influence to this fact). About 2 weeks ago an event confirmed this statement. There was a blackout that branched out to a significant area of southern California. My first thought was how people would react to this and sure enough an answer came. The next day I was informed by different people I knew the aggression of pedestrians trying to go to stores. There were potential riots everywhere there were department stores. After the whole day was over and the power was restored to the section of California, I thought about the possibility of a greater catastrophe entering the entire country such as China launching an EMP and knocking off anything ran via electricity. It would be absolute madness. Such a minor even causing an uproar of that level speaks volumes to potential chaos if an actual disturbance greater than that were to hit the U.S. Slowly I see our people becoming more informed yet I see a larger amount of people being given regurgitated disinformation and similar to that of the average American diet, taking in more unfruitful knowledge moving towards the satisfying body destroying, mass produced food(or information).
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